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Tips to Get More Invisalign Patients

Looking for some ideas and tips to get more Invisalign patients? There are certain types of content which work better than others to help do this and the great thing is; you probably have some of this content available to use already! Here are three examples . . .

Before and After Pictures

Like everything when it comes to content, the higher quality the better here.

Use these pictures to show the patient’s starting point before any treatment begins and then after their Invisalign is completed. Close-ups of the smile are great to show the details of the transformation such as teeth coming forward to properly join the smile line, gaps between teeth being closed etc. Like everything when it comes to content, the higher quality the better here. If the patient is happy for you to use their full face pictures, you can show how they are often more confident to smile fully and widely after treatment (this is something which people can easily relate to - especially if they are uncomfortable with their smile aesthetic). You are most likely already taking photos and scans of your patient’s smile for the likes of Clincheck anyway; so why not put them to use to attract new potential Invisalign patients?

Invisibile + Align = Invisalign

We can’t assume that others know Invisalign is just because we do.

We know what Invisalign is because it is part of the everyday language in a dental practice. But current and potential patients alike may not know that they even exist! While Invisalign is very popular, well-known and has penetrated the market in terms of name recognition; we can’t assume that others automatically know what it is just because we do. In your content and advertising, break the name down to showcase that Invisalign is the invisible way to straighten your teeth. Compare them to traditional metal braces / train tracks to illustrate this even further - the fact that the clear aligners allow patients to straighten their smile in secret without disruption to their lifestyle. The technological prowess behind Invisalign should also be noted, expanding on the fact that some smiles can be straightened in as little as three to four months with this industry-leading clear aligner system.

tips to get more invisalign patients dental marketing agency dental content

Patient Testimonials

A form of social proof to help you attract and convert new Invisalign patients.

Good reviews and testimonials are always worth their weight in gold. Not just in the dental industry, but in every type of industry. If a friend or family member recommends a restaurant to you, your first impression of it instantly becomes a favourable one - so much so that you even trust the restaurant based on this good reputation alone. Apply this to Invisalign too and you can showcase this with reviews and testimonials from your patients. Video reviews are great at this (ideally use a tripod to keep the camera still and ensure there is no background noise) as we can see the genuine happiness and enthusiasm that patients have with their brand new smile. Reviews left online with the likes of Google and Facebook etc. greatly help too and these can be displayed on your Instagram stories as a form of social proof to help you attract and convert new Invisalign patients.

Tips to Get More Invisalign Patients

You more than likely already have before and after photos of Invisalign cases, you surely have a great knowledge of the clear aligner system if you offer it at your practice and you possibly have a number of online reviews to draw upon too. What you may not have however is the time to action these elements and turn them into high quality content to use across your branding and social media channels. This is where we here at Dental Content come in - empowering you and your practice with the assets and strategy your practice needs to get more Invisalign patients. You can click / tap here to contact us for any more information and to get started!


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